
6 Simple Beauty Tips That Will Improve Your Skin Condition

Women all over the world are basically in an endless search for products and procedures that will make their skin look beautiful. Who doesn't want to have that healthy glow. Of course it's important to have a good menu full of vitamins but there are some face care tips that can help you achieve the perfect skin.

I've put together this guide to face masks that will make your face look young, beautiful and well cared by doing this simple mask . You'll forget about putting foundation on because you just won't need it.


Skin aging is something that every single one of us will face sooner or later in life. Of course every woman wishes to keep her skin young and fresh for as long as possible but this wish doesn't always exactly come true due to the variety of factors. Many women try different expensive products and cosmetic procedures but little did they know that there are some natural compounds that can help you deal with this problem and this is where the things get interesting. So if you want to change your reflection in the mirror, here's a simple and easy recipe for young skin.

You'll need only two ingredients three aspirin pills and three tablespoons of lemon juice.

First of all is the aspirin in the lemon juice and mix them to create a paste don't forget to wash your face before applying the pace and leave it on for about 10 minutes. When the time's up remove the mask using plenty of water.

Aspirin can be considered a chemical peel for your face because it contains salicylic acid at the same time lemon juice contains vitamin C which is known to have a great effect on the skin brightening and smoothing


It's important for your skin to relax from time to time after an all-day makeup. One of the essential steps of having a good skin is skin nutrition. This applies to both your everyday menu and your skincare routine. Don't forget to do a revitalizing mask at least once a week so your skin will get all the important components and needs.

You can try different masks but we'll tell you about one amazing one. All you will need is five aspirin pills, one tablespoon of yogurt and a half of tablespoon of honey. Just grind up the aspirin and mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients to get a better result and effectively apply the mask. Put a cloth soaked in warm water over your face to open all of your pores. then after drawing your face apply the mixture to it leaving it on your skin for about thirty minutes and then remove the mask with lukewarm water.

It gently cleanses your skin and diminish the appearance of such attributes of aging like lines and wrinkles.


Moisturizing is one of the most important parts of any skin care routine it helps your skin keep a great balance between being too dry and too oily which in both cases brings different kinds of problems to your skin plus by regular moisturizing you help your skin stay younger for longer, so this next mask is an exceptional moisturizer which will leave your skin smooth and soft.

All you need is an avocado and honey. Take one half of an avocado and scoop out the pulp and add 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Apply the mask to your skin and leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes. Try this mask one or two times a week.

Don't forget that adding avocados to your menu is also very preferable to your skin as they contain vitamin C and E which keep your skin fresh and gorgeous.


Scrubbing is another important part that should make its way into your skincare routine. Don't do it too often, though it is better to scrub your skin one or two times a week. You can buy a certain product to your liking or use natural products and the last choice is just as good as the first and we have a great must-have recipe that you can try let's get to it again.

For this mask you'll need a good old aspirin three pills of it to be exact and three tablespoons of lukewarm water. Just dissolve the aspirin in the water to create a paste then apply it to your clean face and leave it there for about 10 minutes. After that rinse it off with fresh water and there you go your skin is fresh, smooth and clean. Sometimes dermatologists even suggest putting some aspirin in your skin cream it is a good of reducing the redness that comes with acne.


Who doesn't want to have this natural healthy skin glow. There are a good number of products from famous and not-so-famous brands they claim to leave you with beautiful looking skin but natural products are no less productive and this next mask proves this point.

You'll need only two ingredients a banana and butter. First of all mash banana to the condition of the paste then add a considerable amount of butter and mix the banana paste with it. Apply this mask one or two times a week for 15 to 20 minutes, then clear your face with clean water.


A lot of girls deals with the problem. No one talks enough about facial hair. Everybody has a different approach to it but if you're thinking about changing things up a little bit and trying something new we present you a mask that can help you remove the facial hair quickly and effectively and just like it was before all the ingredients are natural and know you won't need aspirin this time.

This mask contains lemon juice, 1 cup of water and flour. It doesn't matter what flour you will use. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste and apply it on your face leave it to dry off for about 15 minutes and then you will be able to remove it. Remove the mixture off your face with a towel pressing firmly in the direction of hair growth.

You can try for removing facial hair for example homemade sugar wax or lemon juice together with honey. The second pair is incredibly effective as well honey softens the hair lemon juice work as a great cleanser and together with the form quite a sticky mixture that helps pull the hair right off.

The choice is yours. Don't be afraid to try something new, who knows maybe who will give you the results you've been dreaming of.

Do you know any other effective recipes for a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin? Leave and discuss them in the comment section below. Don't forget to share it with your friends.

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